Wednesday, June 1

Onto Malaysia

We caught the bus from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  It took about 6 hours, including the 30 minute customs stop.  There are several public transportation options to get around the city, we took the LRT (above ground metro) about 10 stops to get to our hostel and it cost us each 1.90 RM (ringget) which is about $0.33. 

For dinner we walked in a direction with lots of lights and found Chinatown.  A stall with a bunch of different meats and vegetables on skewers caught our attention and we chose 7 skewers with chicken, mushrooms, tomatoes, eggplant and okra.  They were grilled with barbeque-like sauce.  We sat down at a little outdoor plastic table, ordered an orange juice, which was 2 whole oranges, sugar syrup blended up fresh, and ate our skewers.

The cart of skewers

In the morning we had breakfast vouchers for the cafe in the hotel we're staying in and we hung out in the hotel reading and getting ready until around noon.  First stop: Low Yat to look at camera lenses.  It was a large indoor retail place with lots of stalls selling all sorts of electronics and was generally overwhelming.  For lunch we walked across the street to have roti canai (indian bread with a dahl dipping sauce).  We headed into the large expensive mall called Paradisa afterward to check it out and had a blueberry muffin and brownie in a coffee shop.  We were meeting smoe people at TGIF but had just enough time to walk to the twin towers (previously the tallest buildings in the world, until Taipei 101 or whatever was built, but it is still the tallest twin towers).

The expensive shopping mall from the bottom floor


  1. I can't help but think of Zoolander when I hear about Malaysia

    "Derek that was unbelievable!"
    "I know! I turned left!"
    "Yeah, that too, but Derek, you saved the prime minister of Malaysia!"
    "Oh, right, cool."
