Friday, June 24

Fotodump Friday

Somehow it's already Friday again. It's hard to believe in less than two weeks we'll be back in the USA!

Andy's picks:

Our Bangkok Airways turboprop plane from Bangkok to Siem Reap.

This was in the "Tomb Raider" temple at Angkor.

It took me quite a few tries at different exposure times to get this right. I think this picture gives a pretty good idea of how dark it was this day.

One of the many huge spiders we encountered on the walk into one of the temples.

The view from near the top of the walk at the killing caves near Battambang.

Katie's picks:

In the temples of Angkor, there was usually a person who wanted you to pray at a Buddha, light some incense, get a red string tied around your wrist and donate a dollar.

Outside of Angkor Wat was a lone white horse walking along the grounds.  I could almost believe it to be a unicorn.

Some of the incredible carvings at Banteay Srei.  Click the image to enlarge to see better.

Brenda and one of the little girls when we stopped at the end of the bamboo train in Battambang, playing a rock counting game.

And Brenda being posh at the wine tasting.

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