Thursday, June 2

First day in Bangkok

Be forwarned: there are no pictures in this post.  Sorry!

Once we got to the train station in Bangkok we exchanged the rest of our Singapore dollars and Malaysian Ringgit for Baht.  Our friend Kim, who we are staying with in Bangkok, teaches class until 3:30 everyday, so we had a few hours to kill before meeting up with her.  We ate lunch at the food court in the railway station, vegetable curry with rice (30 Baht a plate = $1), then took the underground MRT to the above ground Skytrain (BTS) to MBK, a large shopping complex (Kim's suggestion).  There was a free baggage storage in the mall which we took advantage of while we shopped and generally just wasted time. In true American (or New Englander?) fashion, we bought two donuts and a large orange juice from the Dunkin Donuts. I had a coconut bavarian creme donut and Andy had a rocky choco donut. They were both delicious.

Once 3:30 rolled around we gathered our bags and headed out to meet Kim at the Skytrain station near her house.  She lives in the Sathorn neighborhood of Bangkok, close to a really impressive looking hostpital and school (the school she teaches at).  For a few hours we hung out and caught up on life and our travels and her travels and laundry.  For dinner we met up with a couple of Kim's friends, fellow teachers, at "Coke tables" which is what they call the place because the tables have Coca-cola written on them.  I had more vegetables and rice but Andy had a red chicken curry which had a bit of spice to it. The three of us split a Singha beer.

We rounded off the night with wine back at Kim's house.

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