Monday, June 6

Lazy day

Monday was a subdued affair.  Andy and I slept in while Kim got up to go teach at her school.  For lunch Kim came home and took us to a vegetarian restaurant around the corner from her house with Annika.  It was tasty although we had no real idea what we were eating.

Not related to the post.  They have a huge pot between them and were cooking food in the canoe.

Headed off to MBK (a huge shopping mall) to catch the noon showing of Hangover 2.  It cost us each $4 USD and we got to select our seat in the theater (each row and seat are labeled).  It was really fun to watch it since we were in Bangkok and recognized at least one or two places in the movie.  Afterwards we shopped a little bit, bought a UV filter for our camera and bought a blizzard from Dairy Queen.

Not related to the post either.  At the temple yesterday where we put our incense once done praying to Buddha.

For dinner we ate at Kim's house because we were all too lazy to try and find some place to eat.  Then we watched Alice in Wonderland (the one with Johnny Depp) and Modern Family before bed.  Just a relaxing day without the stress of travel and sightseeing.

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