Wednesday, May 25


Singapore was really short.  We were originally planning on staying for a couple days but the more we talked to people traveling the more we realized that we wanted to spend more time in other countries.

We arrived in Singapore at 11:30 pm due to a delay taking off because of fuel leaking from the engine.  The first thing to note is that it was hot and humid. Our "hostel" was actually part of the Costa Sands resort.  We got hand stamps when we left so we could re-enter without paying the fee.  We ended up having a room to ourselves, even though the website said they didn't have mixed gender dorms.

In the morning we used our breakfast voucher at McDonalds in the resort, where we received a coffee or tea and a sausage egg mcmuffin.  Bleh.  But better than fish head soup for breakfast I guess.  Then we headed downtown to get our bus tickets for Malaysia and check out the city.  We were sent to Lavender St. What we found were a couple of shacks in a parking lot, each shack being a different company which went to a different place in Malaysia.  So we bought our tickets to Kuala Lumpur for the following day then headed shopping.

Holy cow.  The shopping malls were several stories above ground and then another five stories below ground.  It was amazing.  And expensive.  Behind that white circle thing were Dolce and Gabana, Armani, Louis Vitton (which had a line outside to get in the store).  It was simply amazing.

We ate lunch at a little cafeteria.  I chose the 1 meat 1 vegetable and Andy had 1 meat 2 vegetable.  It cost $6 SGD for the both of us.

It was tasty.  Then headed back to the resort to hang out until dinner time.  We were pooped from all the walking and the heat.  For dinner we went to another little cafeteria outside the resort and had something similar to lunch.

In the morning we ate again at McDonalds with our voucher and then headed to the bus "station" to catch our bus to Malaysia.  There is a checkpoint to leave Singapore, then you head across a bridge and then enter Malaysia.  It was fun.

1 comment:

  1. For the record, I still like the food pictures. Unrelated but equally important, I can't wait to see you guys soon!
