Monday, May 23

Summary of Australia

Australia was a different pace than New Zealand was.  Here, because the country is so large and distances so vast, we spent less time at each place and more time traveling.  We stuck mostly to the touristy things, which meant we spent a lot more money here than originally planned.

Average price of a bed at a hostel:  AUD $26

Price for a single scoop ice cream cone:  AUD $3.50

Average price of gas per liter: AUD $1.50

Katie's favorite experience: The Penguin Parade.  If ever you come to Australia, go see the Penguin parade on Philip island down by Melbourne.  Totally worth it.

Andy's favorite experience: Sailing the Whitsundays. If we had the time I would be really keen to do the Soloway Lass sailing trip, but it is three days and three nights.

Easiest dinner to make: Cooked rice or couscous added to pre-made soup.

Time shift:  10AM Sunday morning in Australia = 8PM Saturday night East Coast US

Exchange rate: AUD $1 = US $1.10

Predominant method of travel: Bus

Nationalities of people we met in Australia: Swedish, Canadian, German, Swiss, British, Irish, Italian, Kiwi (NZ), American.

In general we didn't meet as many people in Australia as we did in NZ.  Also Australia stole my hat and my sunglasses and tried to steal our camera but didn't succeed.

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