Wednesday, May 11


At some point early on in this trip I realized that a lot of the things we are going to see are going to be hard to capture in one singular photo so I started taking a bunch of photos in a series with the idea of stitching them together to create panoramas. I had never done this before and had no idea if it would actually work but knew it was possible because we did it for an interactive virtual tour type experience on the Try-me website.

Long story short, EUREKA! I've done it! I managed to find some free panorama stitching software called Hugin and have stitched together a few panoramas. A few days into our trip my resident photo adviser/instructor George told me that I would want to make sure I have the focus fixed at infinity for all the photos or I would have problems with parallax.

I'm not going to burn through them all at once, but hopefully this first panorama gives you a good idea of what it's like to stand at the top of Bob's Peak in Queenstown.

Suffice this whole post to say: if you're reading this, I wish you were here.


  1. SUPER FUN! Looks like you guys are having a blast. I'm checking every week, so keep em coming!!
