Wednesday, April 13


We walked over to the Skyline Gondola to see how much it would cost to get to the top (I had done this on my previous trip to NZ).  It was $25 NZD a person and we were prepared to pay it until we noticed a hiking path around the back.  The sign at the head of the trail said the Tiki trail went to the top and took an hour (no mileage, no elevation).

So we went back to our hostel to prepare for the hike.  We made sandwiches (avocado, cheese, sun dried tomato hummus, tomato, and chicken on pita) for lunch.  Then filled up our water bottle, packed some snacks and headed off to our hike.

Tree chair

The trail was steeper than we thought it would be, but the hike took us almost exactly an hour. At the top there are incredible views of the surrounding mountains and lake below.  Words really cannot describe it. I think the whole scene would be a bit more picturesque if the mountains were snow capped, but I'm not complaining.

Andy and the valley

A view from another side:

Overlooking the valley

We spent a good two hours at the top wandering around. We talked to a guy from Munich for a while who wants to be a travel guide, so he gave us his email address to contact him when we are in Munich.  Andy had his first ever wedges (deep fried wedges of potatoes then dipped in sour cream and sweet chili sauce).

Back at the bottom was this tube thing. It was the entrance to a kiwi bird (and other birds) sanctuary.  We ended up not going into the kiwi bird park because it was $36 NZD a piece.

Kiwi Andy

For dinner we made macaroni and cheese from a bag, baked beans from a can and orange juice.

Tomorrow we leave for our four day hike of the Routeburn Track, so you won't be hearing from us for a few days.  Do not worry!  We will update with pictures once we find our next hostel.

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