Wednesday, April 27

Abel Tasman National Park

On Monday we woke up to a rainy, foggy day in Nelson. Afraid that we might have another rainout, we didn't set our hopes too high for the eastern side of the Abel Tasman Coastal Track. After having breakfast and making sandwiches we backtracked about an hour and found blue skies in Marahau at the start of the track.

We hiked about an hour and a half to Apple Tree Bay and stopped to have lunch. The beach had a lot of guided kayakers and pesky sandflies. After lunch we headed further down the track for another half hour which brought us to the next beach. We spent about a half hour combing the beach and then decided to head back.

The hike back was not nearly as enjoyable as the hike in, and seemed to take twice as long as it actually did. And now, some pictures:

1 comment:

  1. Those are some lovely pictures. I can see why you guys decided to spend so much time there.
