Friday, April 29

Andy's Fotodump

And I get to post my favorite photos too!

I think Katie actually took this picture. This is from the scenic lookout that our driver from Queenstown to the Routeburn Track stopped at.

Katie's feet on one of the many swinging bridges on the Routeburn Track.

A boardwalk through the mist on Routeburn.

This is probably my favorite picture so far. On the left is the Harris Shelter. We came from behind and to the left of the shelter and the track continued on to the right along the ridge and around the corner. This picture was taken from partway up the Conical Hill side trail.

Hopefully you can see the stars in the picture. This is one of my first attempts at nighttime long exposure. A sandal was used on the deck of the MacKenzie Hut. The moon was really bright this night. Hopefully you can make out the bottom half of Orion on the horizon (upside down).

A rock formation somewhere off the west coast of the south island.

Taken from a beach on the Truman Track near Punakaiki.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! Katherine, Thomas and I are sitting here with Mom & Dad at Massanutten Resort admiring your photos and being jealous of you. Miss you, let's figure out when we can Skype/FaceTime this weekend.
