Tuesday, April 12

New Zealand!

We made it.  A 12 hour flight to Auckland followed by another 2 hour flight to Queenstown.  The flight to Auckland wasn't too bad in coach, you get a pillow and blanket plus a tv in the back of the seat in front of you.  I watched Salt, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1 (again), and Inception.  There were also tv shows and games. (Andy's aviation nerd aside - the Boeing 777-300 is a really nice aircraft. Also it turns out Air New Zealand only has one of them).

We both asked for the vegetarian options before the flight.  For dinner we had a veggie patty with a vegetable medley, a fruit cup, salad with no dressing, and granola bar.  Andy asked the flight attendant for ice cream (which was the dessert for other meals) so we each got a small thing of chocolate ice cream.  For breakfast we also got some sort of veggie patty with tofu and vegetables, fruit cup, and granola bar.  I thought this was a little strange since one of the breakfast options was vegetarian (fruit platter and muffin), but tasty.

In Auckland we went through customs just fine.  We had to show them the bottom of our shoes to make sure there wasn't mud on them.  Then we spent 6 hours in the airport until our next flight.  I slept on a chair while Andy used the free internet.  After some downtime in the airport we decided to go through security to our gate.  Security was easy and so much less stressful than the US.  There was a metal detector no requirement to take off shoes or liquids out of bags.  It was awesome.

As we were flying south we passed over a volcano (which we think is Taranaki) and it was seriously amazing.   I don't think I've ever seen a classic volcano before (not counting Mount Haleakala on Hawaii).  There is a dark ring around it which I assume is lava from it's last eruption.

The airport in Queenstown is incredible.  There really isn't a good way to describe how amazing it was landing in a valley surrounded by gorgeous mountains.

We checked into the Flaming Kiwi (a hostel) and got a private room for the rate of a dorm room.  Tuesday was around 22 Celsius (77F) but today is only going to be a high of 16C (61F).  This morning we went out for a walk but we haven't decided what we are going to do for the rest of the day.

We'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Caption for the picture with Andy:
    Chillin on the water in this mountain valley in New Zealand... its whateva.

    Thanks for the metric conversions :-P
